Malaibar Foundation for Research and Development is a non-profit organisation. Dedicated to Research, Training, Publication, and Heritage Preservations, the organisation shapes committed efforts in the core areas of Religion, Science, Humanities, Law, Medicine, Art, Social Science and Literature. By offering original and new insights par excellence, Malaibar Foundation connects like-minded scholars across the globe and collaborates with them for enlarged ideas in these research areas. Initiating alternative and new possibilities of thinking, it strives to construct innovative models of human potential with diverse ethical elements.
Malabar, an engendered space known for its cultural heritage, has historically been a vital centre of thought from ancient times. Called Malaibar in ancient and medieval periods, the location has a rich history, culture and heritage. The sandy coastal shores of Malabar functioned as a nodal halting station for sailors from Arabia, Europe, and Africa. Along with trade, the sailors who reached the Malabar coast distributed cultural, musical, mystical and social artful thoughts and things fetched from their regional and ethnic elements to the wide coast of Malabar. The culmination of cultural contributions from diverse regions and humans enriched the globally thriving medieval Malabar. For these contributions from far and foreign lands, Malabar answered with its already spawning rich heritage of medieval times. These exchanges of cultures, along with goods and services, thoughts, and literature laid the foundation for assimilation, acceptance and tolerance which Malabar celebrates today. The reflections of these influencing exchanges between Malabar and the world are reflected in the lives of today in the Malabar region.